Not much has been going on of late which is why my posts have been lacking. Now that I’ve settled into work, I can honestly say…. Eh. Don’t get me wrong. I have a good boss, nice coworkers, and I enjoy decorating the cupcakes. But it is just cupcakes… and they aren’t my cupcakes. I made a devil’s food cupcake with raspberry filling and Kailua icing the other day and it was a tasty little morsel but it’s nothing we could sell unless I wanted to give up my rights to it. So, we munched away on it in the back and that’s all the glory it will get for now. I think if I were more hands on, if I were making bread or doing recipe development, I’d be more fulfilled. But, hey, all things considered, this is what I need right now.
We finally made it to the art museum to see the Eric Carl exhibit. It was decidedly lackluster. There were about three pictures from Eric Carl and a dozen or so from other artists but you’d think with 70 books to his name, we’d have been treated to more images by him. This week, we’re going back to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit which should be interesting. Because I had Elijah with me in the stroller, I wasn’t able to go into the exhibit last time but I was able to see some pieces done by local high school students inspired by Rockwell that was very interesting. One piece was entitled “Freedom to Want”- a takeoff of the classic “Freedom from Want” (the family around the table with the turkey). This one was that picture done as a collage of fast food wrappers and store logos. I’d not have minded it hanging in my house, honestly. There was also an exhibit of Bob Trotman work that was interesting although I think it gave Elijah nightmares. I’m hoping that when we go back we can explore the regular exhibits more. I did see a bust of Marcus Aurelius that took all of my will power not to touch. Damn those classic Roman sculptures. I’d give most anything to run my hands over something so old and beautiful.
On the reading front, I’m working on some of Emily Dicken’s poems and “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau. I also picked up “Utopia.” Yes, Barnes and Noble has their classics “Buy Two, Get One Free.” I’m going to go back and grab a few more titles this payday- I’m thinking “Inferno,” “Alice in Wonderland,” and “The Wizard of Oz.” Why not, right? It’s timer I start collecting books I wouldn’t cringe if I saw Elijah reading them at some point in the future. Chuck Palahniuk is fine for me but do we really need twelve year olds starting fight clubs? Isn’t public school bad enough as is?
The Ex is still in contact. I get these phone calls a few times a month where he whines that he has no job, no money, and a mountain of bills. If he’s particularly thoughtful, he might ask how his son is towards the end of the conversation. I thought I was off the hook with all this crap since he’s dating someone new. I mean, isn’t that what you do in relationships? Share the good and the bad? There was enough “bad” during the relationship. I don’t need it spilling over into my post-relationship “Me Time.” But, let’s be honest here. He isn’t telling me these things for any other reason than because he’s a shmuck that’s working on excuses for why he won’t pay child support. Yeah, the whole “Pity me because I can’t see my son” thing only works if you put effort into being a father.
Well, lovelies, that about does it for now. It’s time to wake up the baby from his nap and get some outside time in before it rains too much. Ciao!